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What is Menopause and its Symptoms? Menopause Causes and Treatments

Menopause is a very common part of a women’s life and there is nothing to worry about it. It is simply a natural process when a women’s ovaries stops reproducing the estrogen or estrogen hormones. Menopause is defined as the period when women’s menstruation ceases for permanently. The process occurs between a women’s age of 40 to 52 and its estimated average stands on 51.

There are several symptoms associated when you can have a grasp about Menopause. The easiest way to recognize menopause or preimenpuase period are the symptoms like Irregular Periods, Vagina Dryness, and Hot Flashes etc. In this post you will get a complete list of Menopause Symptoms, Causes and Treatments.

These might be the symptoms of menopause :

Irregular Vagina Bleeding

If you are experiencing the abnormal periods there are many possible reasons for that but if you are 35-50 of age, you should consider it as a sign of Menopause (Menopausal). However menopause doesn’t have a fixed age of occurring as in some rare cases females experience this situation in their 30’s or even 20’s. But that is a different case; hence, irregular vagina bleeding can be the cause to Menopause.

Note: - Preimenpuase sometimes supposed to be different situation according to some doctors but scientist still searching for its possible factors. It can be different for every other woman.

Menopause Sydney

Urinary Problems

In Menopausal period the estrogen hormone level starts declining which imposes different kind of problems in urinary system of women. The urinary track sometimes fond thinner and dry in Menopause case which can cause frequent urge of urine and even infected urine system.

Hot Flashes

The primary Symptom of Menopause is hot flashes or flushes. In these situation women often feels sudden heat in body that last most of the time in about 30 second or above. The reason behind hot flushes is still unknown and you can’t predict when it’s going to be with you.

Insomnia and Digestive Problems

Most of the time it has been seen that women feels anxiety, depressed and fails to have proper sleep while menopause process. It is also recognized that your digestive system becomes quite unbalanced and you feel lack of energy.

Weight Gain and Loss of Bone Density

Menopause also causes weight gaining and you can realize some extra fat on your body. As I have mentioned earlier about estrogen declination, it is also the reason behind fat. The extra fact makes your mind and body lazier and you always required to have proper rest. The bone density also decreases and it is common to have joint pain while menopause.

These menopause treatments can work for you :

There are many treatments that might help you to reduce most of the menopause problems but the fact is that you can’t get cure for that as it is natural process in a women’s body. However, you don’t need to worry about it as there are many treatments to diagnose your problems. There are Natural Remedies for Menopause, herbal remedies and menopause dietary combinations that can heal your problem and rejuvenate the reproduction system.

According to Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre’s owner Mr. Raman Das Mahatyagi, menopause doesn’t always mean to have problems as it is an opportunity to make the body energetic and physically, mentally and spiritually strong. It has some rewards with it which realizes in the form of vitality, enhanced mental and emotional balance, improved digestion, and a general slowing down of the aging process are experienced.

The Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda is one of the ancient systems of healing the deceases with the help of traditional Ayurvedic treatments and medicines. It was originated from Vedic culture of India about 5,000 years ago. The Ayurvedic therapies and medications can heal all women menopausal issues.

Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre is one of the leading Ayurvedic Centre based in Gordon, NSW, Australia. The clinic is operated by Mr. Raman Das Mahatyagi who is the principal Ayurvedic Vaidya and helped more than 4,000 people in improving their health. Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre offers best Ayurvedic Menopause Treatment than anyone else as they have enormous experience of over 18 years in the field.

To receive a personalized menopause treatment plan addressing your perimenopause, menopause or post-menopausal symptoms you can refer to Australia’s leading Menopause Centre and consultation for free.

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